Friday, March 31, 2017

Hand Eye Coordination

In class we have been discussing hand eye coordination, and sports/activities in which this skill is vital.  Golf, tennis, baseball, and basketball are just some of the sports where students have deemed hand eye coordination to be a must have skill.  We will continue this work after Spring Break, with students participating in a number of different activities that utilize both hands working together with the eyes.

We started with doing one of my favorite activities, which is cup stacking.  Cup stacking, or "Speedstacking" has individuals stacking cups in different sequences as quickly as they can.  Below is one of my favorite videos of a young man breaking the record at the time for doing what we call "the cycle" stacking sequence.

Here, some students are actively engaged in various sequences such as the cycle, which asks individuals to complete a 3-6-3, then do a 6-6, while finishing with a 1-10-1 stack.

Students are getting really good at the cycle!  Some of which, are able to post a faster time than me when we race! 

Some students have asked where they can get speed stacking cups.  The best place is simply . 12 cups is all an individual needs to get started!

JR4H Congrats!

The students of Eastgate jumped for heart during the week of March 6-10.  They were able to get their heart rates going for those who have special hearts, and raised a total of $4516.20 to donate to the American Heart Association!  Our Eagles should be awfully proud of themselves!  Students who participated in the fundraising piece will be receiving their thank you gifts in the coming days I plan to recognize some of the top fundraisers at one of our upcoming assemblies!  Stay tuned!