Monday, May 22, 2017

Field Day 2017

We will have our annual Field Day the afternoon of June 16th!  It is a lot of fun for the students, staff, and families of Eastgate to get together and enjoy games, friends, and hopefully sunshine as we head into our summer.
Below you will find a link to our volunteer signup page, where you can select from a few options if you're willing and able to help out the day of!  I do hope to see everyone that afternoon, as it will be a blast!  More details to come.

-Christian Barnes
Eastgate Health and Fitness

Sunday, April 30, 2017


On Monday, April 30th we will be firing up one of my favorite units--- BALANCE!  Here will will be participating in a number of activities using different balance apparatus such as stilts, buckets, boards, and beams. 

The skills practiced and equipment used will vary throughout the grade levels. 

5th Grade students will be able to:

* Free-mount and balance on a pair of stilts without assistance while walking with balance and control.
* Free mounts stilts holding balance while walking on stilts with selected critical elements: full extension of body; proper alignment over base of support; tight muscles on balances

4th Grade students will be able to:

* Free-mount and balance on a pair of stilts without assistance while walking with balance and control.
* Free mounts stilts holding balance while walking on stilts with selected critical elements: full extension of body; proper alignment over base of support; tight muscles on balances

3rd Grade students will be able to:

* Balance on a pair of stilts without assistance while walking with balance and control.
* Balance on stilts while walking with selected critical elements: full extension of body; proper alignment over base of support; tight muscles on balances

2nd Grade students will be able to:

* Balance on base of support combining level and shapes with selected critical elements: full extension of body; proper alignment over base of support; tight muscles on balances
* Form wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes

1st Grade students will be able to:

* Balance on base of support combining level and shapes with selected critical elements: full extension of free body parts; proper alignment over base of support; tight muscles on balances
* Form wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes

Kindergarten students will be able to:

* Balance on base of with selected critical elements: full extension of free body parts; proper alignment over base of support; tight muscles on balances
* Form wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes

Friday, March 31, 2017

Hand Eye Coordination

In class we have been discussing hand eye coordination, and sports/activities in which this skill is vital.  Golf, tennis, baseball, and basketball are just some of the sports where students have deemed hand eye coordination to be a must have skill.  We will continue this work after Spring Break, with students participating in a number of different activities that utilize both hands working together with the eyes.

We started with doing one of my favorite activities, which is cup stacking.  Cup stacking, or "Speedstacking" has individuals stacking cups in different sequences as quickly as they can.  Below is one of my favorite videos of a young man breaking the record at the time for doing what we call "the cycle" stacking sequence.

Here, some students are actively engaged in various sequences such as the cycle, which asks individuals to complete a 3-6-3, then do a 6-6, while finishing with a 1-10-1 stack.

Students are getting really good at the cycle!  Some of which, are able to post a faster time than me when we race! 

Some students have asked where they can get speed stacking cups.  The best place is simply . 12 cups is all an individual needs to get started!

JR4H Congrats!

The students of Eastgate jumped for heart during the week of March 6-10.  They were able to get their heart rates going for those who have special hearts, and raised a total of $4516.20 to donate to the American Heart Association!  Our Eagles should be awfully proud of themselves!  Students who participated in the fundraising piece will be receiving their thank you gifts in the coming days I plan to recognize some of the top fundraisers at one of our upcoming assemblies!  Stay tuned!

Monday, February 27, 2017

Jumping Rope for Heart and Jump Rope Unit

We are now two weeks away from wrapping up Jump Rope for Heart with a final day of jumping rope.  Each student will have the opportunity to jump rope and earn any pledges they may have collected, during an in class event.  During the week of March 6-10, we will crank up the music in the gym, and jump from the start of class, to the end of class, where students will get the opportunity to try an array of different jump rope techniques with both short and long ropes.

That said, here are the skill outcomes that students will be able to execute by the end of the unit:


Students will be able to:
* Jump a single jump with a self-turned rope 
* Jump with one of the selected critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps

1st Grade:

Students will be able to:
* Jump a self-turned rope consecutively forward or backward
* Jump with two selected critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps

2nd Grade:

Students will be able to:
* Jump a self-turned rope consecutively forward and backward with a mature pattern
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps

3rd Grade:

Students will be able to:
* Consecutively jump at least 10 times using a beginner jump rope skill
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps

4th Grade: Currently participating in the Pacific Northwest Ballet unit.  They will get more jump rope instruction and practice throughout the rest of the school year.

Students will be able to:
* Consecutively jump rope at least 10 times each with 2 beginner jump rope skills (e.g. bell, skier, straddle, straddle cross, scissors, jogging step)
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps

5th Grade:

Students will be able to:
* Create a jump rope routine using three jump rope skills, five times each consecutively, from the following list – skier, bell, straddle, jogging step, straddle cross, scissors, heel toe, knee lift, and front cross. 
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Introduction to Jump Rope for Heart 2017

February is "Heart Month."  Here at Eastgate, we are diligently working on elevating our heart rates in PE class.  We know that when we do this, our hearts get stronger, and can therefore do their job more effectively!

During this month, and much of March, we will be learning many jump rope and rhythmic skills that do just that...  they get our hearts beating rapidly!  Jump Rope for Heart is a great program, in which we will be working with the American Heart Association to raise awareness for all things heart related, including heart disease.  Students have an opportunity to participate in a fundraiser, that helps the American Heart Association do all of the great things that they do. 

The fundraising portion is completely optional, of course.  Students should not feel compelled to participate in this piece.  Students will, however, participate in a fun jump rope day later in March, where we will be jumping rope for those that have heart complications.

Your student will be coming home with a letter that explains how to participate in the fundraising piece.  Everything will be done online only, as I cannot, nor do I want to take any cash or checks here at school.  This letter is also outlined in the post below!

Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions.

Here is a kickoff video that you can watch with your son or daughter as well!

Happy Jumping!

Mr. Barnes

Jump Rope for Heart 2017

Dear Eastgate Families:

Our school is proud to partner with the American Heart Association through Jump Rope for Heart! Your student will learn heart healthy habits to keep their own hearts healthy. Students also have the opportunity to raise funds for the American Heart Association to fund research and educational materials to lower the risks of heart disease and stroke.


MISSION FOCUSED: Your student will learn the importance of heart healthy choices and may even inspire a few other family members to live heart healthy too!

ZOO CREW! GO WILD FOR HEART HEALTH! Students who raise life-saving funds for the American Heart Association will earn members of the Zoo Crew! Each member shares a heart healthy message with our students and reminds them that they are HEART HEROES!!! Collect all six! Visit to get started and see the back page for online instructions.

Special Incentive:

The first 60 students with an online donation will receive a Bling Duck to add to your lanyard!


If you have matching gift donations, please include a copy of the confirmation in the envelope so we can credit your student. Visit to see if your employer participates.

Donations due: March 10th

Jump Week: March 6-10

For questions contact:

Mr. Barnes

Thank you!

Raise Life-Saving Donations Using Your Computer, iPad, Tablet, Or Smart Phone!


Step 1:

Go to

Step 2:

Select your state and find your school

Step 3:

Join your school’s team and…

Set up your own Web Page!!!

Step 4:

Fill out registration form, and review Online Waiver

Step 5: Use the email templates provided to share what you are learning with family and friends! It’s quick and easy. Plus, they can donate to your page right from your email!


Step 1:

Once you’re registered, log into you headquarters and click on E-card under Step 2 online

Step 2:

After choosing your character, take a challenge

Step 3:

Create an e-card to send to 10 people and earn a Rory’s Zoo Crew badge!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Combining fitness and nutrition!

In Kindergarten, we have been working on learning the five food groups.  Here, during one of our fitness station days, students were to "buy" food at "the market" and "drive" home and put it on the correct plate.  Each hula hoop acts as a plate for a food group, and the students have to decide where it belongs.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Shown here, a couple of our overachieving 5th graders run the Pacer Test on their own time after school.  Next week we will be completing our second assessment of our cardiorespiratory endurance by running the Pacer Test again.  In September we did this, along with setting goals for our next assessment in the new year!  Students will have an opportunity to meet and BEAT those goals that they set for themselves.  We will also set or adjust our goals, based on the outcome!  As always, the credo is to "do YOUR own personal best!" 

Students of all ages will complete the assessment in one way or another, with the 4th and 5th graders tracking their scores and setting goals. 

*Note:  4th grade students will be beginning their Pacific Northwest Ballet Unit next week.  Mr. Barnes hopes to work with the 4th grade teachers to find an opportunity for them to shatter their goals too!

Fitness Assessments that will be conducted:

1.  Pacer Test
2.  Curl Ups in one minute
3.  Jump Ropes in 30 seconds
4.  Sit and Reach Flexibility
5.  Can I do a perfect pushup (beginning with perfect pushup position)