Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Taking control of our own cardiorespiratory endurance

Every month at the 2nd-5th grade level, we will be testing our cardiorespiratory endurance with runs at the beginning of class.  We began with a two minute run, and have progressed to three minutes, with four minutes on the horizon next week.  The students who run for the entirety of the set time, get to sign their name to the new poster, which hangs in the gym for the rest of the year.  Here are our first two! 


As we get into the cold months of December, we will be entering our ball handling unit in PE class here at Eastgate.  This will likely be a series of teachings revolving around basketball, but the underlying skill we are working on (in different levels) is dribbling and controlling the ball.

While, we will play many games and participate in many activities, here are the skill outcomes for each grade level:

K -
During the ball handling unit students will be able to dribble a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact.

1st -
During the ball handling unit students will be able to dribble continuously in self-space using the preferred hand.

During the ball handling unit students will learn to dribble a ball with preferred hand while walking in general space.

During the ball handling unit students will learn to dribble a ball while jogging in general space.

During the ball handling unit students will learn to dribble a ball while in self-space with both the preferred and non-preferred hands.

During the ball handling unit students will learn to dribble a ball while increasing and decreasing speed in general space.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Welcome to the official Eastgate Elementary School Health and Fitness Class Blog! 

Here you will find important information about our class happenings, along with anything and everything health and fitness!  I hope to utilize this page to keep students and their families informed, while also highlighting student achievements within our program!

Lots more to come, so please check back early and often!

Get moving!

Mr. Barnes