We are now two weeks away from wrapping up Jump Rope for Heart with a final day of jumping rope. Each student will have the opportunity to jump rope and earn any pledges they may have collected, during an in class event. During the week of March 6-10, we will crank up the music in the gym, and jump from the start of class, to the end of class, where students will get the opportunity to try an array of different jump rope techniques with both short and long ropes.
That said, here are the skill outcomes that students will be able to execute by the end of the unit:
Students will be able to:
* Jump a single jump with a self-turned rope
* Jump with one of the selected critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps
1st Grade:
Students will be able to:
* Jump a self-turned rope consecutively forward or backward
* Jump with two selected critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps
2nd Grade:
Students will be able to:
* Jump a self-turned rope consecutively forward and backward with a mature pattern
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps
3rd Grade:
Students will be able to:
* Consecutively jump at least 10 times using a beginner jump rope skill
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps
4th Grade: Currently participating in the Pacific Northwest Ballet unit. They will get more jump rope instruction and practice throughout the rest of the school year.
Students will be able to:
* Consecutively jump rope at least 10 times each with 2 beginner jump rope skills (e.g. bell, skier, straddle, straddle cross, scissors, jogging step)
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump, landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps
5th Grade:
Students will be able to:
* Create a jump rope routine using three jump rope skills, five times each consecutively, from the following list – skier, bell, straddle, jogging step, straddle cross, scissors, heel toe, knee lift, and front cross.
* Jump with the critical elements of a mature pattern: proper grip and posture; two foot jump landing on balls of feet; slight bend of knees; continuously swings rope and jumps